How to Master the Strict Pull-up

How long have you been dreaming of getting your first strict pull-up? Finally, be able to string together two??

Check out my favorite moves below to include in your monthly training so you too can master the pull-up once and for all!

My favorite pulling movements in order from easiest to hardest. Click to watch the full demo videos for each!

Inverted Row:

This can be done off of a barbell, underneath a table, TRX straps, or rings. Position your body underneath the object so that it lines up with your chest, extend your feet out in front ( the straighter your legs the harder the movement) keep your body tight, and think about pulling your elbows to the floor, once your chest hits the barbell or table, return back to the start with control. 

Negative Pull-ups: 

Begin with your chin over the bar or close to the top. Slowly lower yourself down all the way until you are in a dead hang position. Reposition your chin over the bar and begin again. 

Scapular Pull ups:  

From a hanging position without bending your arms retract your shoulder blades down and back relax back to full extension and repeat throughout the set. This is going to mimic the very bottom part of pull up- usually the part I see most people struggle with the most. 

Strict Pull up: 

From a hanging position retract your shoulder blades back and down as you continue to pull your elbows down towards the floor until your chin is over the bar. Once your chin clears the bar begin to lower yourself down with control. If you need assistance to get in the appropriate volume to get better- use a band or assisted pull-up the machine. 

Achieving any goal requires a plan!

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