Should you be strength Training?
Today we're going to be discussing one of the most controversial issues out there to date....
should you or should you not be strength training???
Strength training for today’s purpose will be defined as putting your body through some physical stressor, recovering from a said stressor, and adapting to the stress.
Okay, that's cool Ashley but
what if I don't care about how strong I am
or I don't want any visible muscle mass showing
or I prefer cardio.
Do I really need to be strength training???
My answer is forever going to be yes, and for a multitude of reasons, and let's be clear the stress you need to put onto your body to see adaptation is very different from what Susie down the block needs.
Strength training doesn't automatically mean a barbell loaded with 300 pounds on it, although give me a 300 lb Back Squat and I would be one happy lady (my best to date is 280).
Any resistance that is challenging for you is all you need. That could be a barbell, a band, a pair of dumbbells, your own body weight etc.
There are sooo many ways to strength train but the reasoning and importance behind them are universal across the board. So no matter what you decide just know choosing strength training a minimum of 2x a week will give you some benefits.
Now that you have a better understanding of how you can apply strength training (any external resistance, bands, barbells, bodyweight etc) to your lives.
Here are some great benefits and why I think strength training should be a part of everyone's life.
Makes you stronger-the ability and luxury to do any tasks life throughs your way. From picking up heavy boxes to getting on and off the toilet on your own. A continued strength training routine allows you to be able to do that.
Helps manage and maintain weight. Muscles are like little furnaces on your body burning more and working harder than the body fat on your body.
Reduce abdominal fat. Many studies have shown as little as 2 strength training sessions per week could help reduce the amount of visceral fat in your body which is directly related to Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease, and certain types of cancer.
You will lose inches, and appear leaner. Muscle is more dense than fat and takes up less space in the body. Think the weight of one brick takes up much less space than the weight of one brick in pizza dough. Losing fat and gaining muscle is what gives people the appearance of being "toned". The size of that muscle is dictated by genetics, types of training an individual is doing, and nutrition.
Decrease your risk for falling and injury, especially as you age. Strength training takes your body through its full range of motion, helps strengthen your joints and ligaments, and tendons. Keep those suckers healthy and your adult life will be much more enjoyable =) And guess what if you play any type of sport, strength training helps decrease your risk for injury. Ummm, say no more!
Improves your heart health. Things like cholesterol, blood pressure and blood circulation can all be improved via strength training.
Boots mood, well-being, and confidence.
Makes your bones stronger as we age our bones lose density. Strength training can help combat that.
Improves brain health.
Improves overall quality of life.
Davidson, K. (2021, August 16). 14 benefits of Strength Training, backed by science. Healthline. Retrieved April 6, 2022, from
If you are interested in learning more in a 1:1 setting apply to work with me here.
If you are ready to start an amazing workout plan as soon as tomorrow, back by science and guaranteed to bring results no need to apply join my monthly workout subscription here.
If you aren’t convinced yet and you want to do so more of your own research first, check here.
Whatever you chose, make sure you love it. In addition to showing your body some love having enjoyment is also important too. Don’t forget that!
In strength,