At home quads

are you….

📍Training at home

📍low on equipment

📍noticing one leg is stronger than the other?

📍 Looking for some new workout moves?

Banded quad extension

How to do it:

  •  Attach your band to a stable surface, squat rack, heavy weighed down table etc.

  •  Place your bench or chair in front of your band with facing the squat rack or table.

  •  Loop the band over your feet. 

  •  Curl your legs back towards your bench or chair, squeeze for 1-2 seconds before releasing with control.  The thicker the band is, the harder the resistance etc. 

**If you happen to max out on bands pinch a DB between your feet and repeat with the DB + the band. 


Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

How to do it :

  • Grab a plate, 2 DBS, a thick textbook W.E. you have handy. (This is what we will prop or heels onto.)

  • When we squat send your knees over the toes and focus on loading up your quads.

   ***I like to grab a narrower stance than normal here then grab your weight and squat =) 

Marching Wall sit

How to do it:

  • Assume your normal wall sit position, try to get to a parallel squat position if possible

  • drive your feet into the floor and march one foot at a time without moving your shoulders

Goblet Squat

How to do it:

  • Grab a weight or odd object and hold it in front of your chest

  • Squat down as normal, can take a closer stance with your feet for a more quad focused squat

These exercises are purely for developing quadriceps strength or muscular endurance depending on your training demands. 

Reps, sets, tempos will all be dependent on programming and desired results from training. 

Not sure??? 

Lift at home or in the gym with FBA and take all the guesswork out of what to do with personalized programming, written and designed by me for YOU. To better serve you + the time you have to devote to your fitness.

Also, there may or may not be a future blog about programming. Fully explaining tempo, sets, reps etc. so make sure you hop on my email list so you don’t miss it when it drops!

More like this :

At home Hamstrings 

Upper + Lower Body movements with a foam roller


Single Leg Squat Progression


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